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Liquid humic acid

  • 100%Instant solubility  in water.
  • Steady crop's growth and stress resistance.
  • Improving soil tillage.
  • Improving the overall texture of the soil by providing more space for root growth and bacterial activity
  • Improves seed germination acceleratio
  • Increase recycling of insoluble phosphorus in soil
  • Increase cation exchange capacity
917,000 Rial

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Free delivery: purchasing more than 300 lit for the cities of Sabzevar, Joghatai, Jovain

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917,000 Rial

Product Description

Today, humic acid is one of the most widely used agricultural fertilizers. Humic acid by performing various processes in the plant, causes better absorption of minerals and increases the quality of the product. Consumption of this organic fertilizer, in addition to providing soil organic matter, also helps to absorb stabilized elements in the soil.
Humactiv or humic acid fertilizer produced by Jovain Agro-Industrial Company, by formulating the required elements of the plant such as nitrogen, phosphorus, silicate, iron, etc. along with humic acid, creates an extraordinary effectiveness in the plant and  It is used annually in the fields and gardens (6000 hectares) of this company.

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