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Liquid iron chelate

  • Eliminating iron deficiency in all crops and gardens.
  • Rapid effect on increasing rooting and flowering and more importantly the cholorophil of the plant.
  • Increasing plant resistance to environmental stress.
  • No sediment in alkaline and calcareous soils
  • Absorbable as soil applying and foliar applying.
  • Iron 2% - Stability from pH 4 to 12
640,000 Rial

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Free delivery: purchasing more than 300 lit for the cities of Sabzevar, Joghatai, Jovain

final price

640,000 Rial

Product Description

Iron is a trace element but essential for plants that is involved in many physiological and biochemical processes of plants such as respiration, photosynthesis, chlorophyll production and regulation of enzyme activity. Iron chelate fertilizer is suitable for preventing iron deficiency in plants.

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