Micro full liquid

- Contains organic compounds
- Chelating compounds
- Rich in micronutrients
- Modification of soil structure
- Increased absorption
- Transfer of mineral elements
592,000 Rial
Cash on delivery:
Product referral: Free delivery: purchasing more than 300 lit for the cities of Sabzevar, Joghatai, Jovain
final price
592,000 Rial
Product Description
Plants need micro elements in addition to macro elements. Some of these elements are present in the soil, but because they are not absorbed by plants on that form, plants are not able to absorb it.Deficiency of any of the trace elements in the plant causes a complication or causes the lack of real results .This fertilizer provides trace elements to the plant during the growing season. Due to the chelating of micronutrients in this fertilizer,
absorption by the plant and its growth rate is increasing.
absorption by the plant and its growth rate is increasing.